Usually at this time of year, we would be planning our Sleep Over at the Principality Stadium. But unfortunately, due to Covid-19, we cannot plan for a physical mass-participation event. That’s why we’ve launched our first ever Virtual Sleep Over!

Spend the night sleeping in your living room, garden, or a den you’ve built yourself, and raise funds to make a Wales without homelessness a reality.

We’ve got plenty of fun activities to keep you entertained through the night including shelter building, a bed time story from a special guest, and morning yoga.

Funds Raised

Imagine a World without Homelessness

No one should have to face homelessness and yet, for an estimated 7000 young people in Wales each year, this is their reality.

Many of the people we support simply don’t have the support of family and friends that many of us have. In these extremely difficult times, they need our support now more than ever.

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, many young people who have been sofa-surfing are having to leave the homes of friends or relatives without anywhere else to go. Whilst self or household isolation and social distancing is likely to worsen the situation at home for people already experiencing family breakdown or domestic abuse.

Your support can help to keep our essential services running, and ensure everyone who needs our support is still able to receive it in spite of Coronavirus.

We’re daring to imagine a world without homelessness – will you help to create it?


The Covid-19 pandemic has severely impacted our ability to fundraise, and we’re now facing a potential shortfall of £300,000 in income this year. 

There’s no registration fee for the Virtual Sleep Over, but we’re asking everyone taking part to raise as much money as they can.

We’ll send you a fundraising kit with hints and tips to help you smash your fundraising target, plus lots of activities to do throughout the night.

We know that this is a difficult time for so many, but your support can help to keep our essential services running, and make a life-changing difference for those who need our support.  

Supporter Gallery

Fundraising Leaderboards


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